Lake Breeze Winery is celebrating this week after winning the B.C. Lieutenant Governor’s wine of the year award for their Syrah.
The Naramata winery learned of the news at the June 9 B.C. Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards private reception, where the 2023 Platinum medal winners and Wine of the Year were announced at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre.
“The Lieutenant Governor’s awards are one of the most prestigious in B.C. and it is wonderful when one of your wines is recognized,” said Garron Elmes, winemaker and president of Lake Breeze.
“All the staff here are extremely happy and humbled that one of our wines was chosen. We always knew that it was going to be a good wine (the Syrah) but did not expect the reception that we have had.”
“The grapes come from a very small vineyard between Naramata and Penticton and we believe that it is just an exceptional example of what can be done with Syrah in a cool climate growing region.
On April 3 to 5, professional wine judges from Western Canada gathered in Penticton to participate on a blind tasting panel for the Lieutenant Governor’s Wine Awards competition to choose the best wines in our province.
During three intense days of competition, over 500 wines from over 100 B.C. wine producers were blind-tasted and scored by the judges.
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