A local racquet enthusiast is looking for interested people who would like to discuss a potential table tennis club in Lake Country.
Mike McGowan, a former Canadian national racquetball player and longtime racquet sports enthusiast, says it's high time people who love ping pong came out of the closet.
McGowan has secured a room at Holiday Park Resort that could be used for a table tennis club, with enough room for four full-size tables with dividers as well as a kitchen for snacks.
"Everybody played table tennis when they were a kid," said McGowan. "You talk to people and a lot of them had a table tennis table in their basement. Then you progress onto other sports like racquetball and squash and tennis. But when you get older and you can't move around as much, there is still table tennis."
McGowan is looking for other interested people who would like to establish a table tennis club and set up a weekly night where people could come and play for a few hours.
He says the room at Holiday Park is a perfect set-up to establish the club with room for four tables, of which he already has two.
"Everything has to start somewhere and we have the room where we can store the tables," he said. "If we can get a dozen or more people together, we could estbalish an organized club."
To get things started, McGowan is asking for those interested to play table tennis to call him at 250-766-4586.
From there he would like to organize a meeting and move forward with setting up the club.