To the editor:
In support of the Oct. 17, 2018, legalization of cannabis, I received a government brochure, “Get the Facts” on “…keeping people and communities safe in British Columbia.” Have the pushers of this legislation written off, as collateral damage, families that will suffer throughout their lives because of the financial tsunami they expect to gain?
Item 1 in the brochure reads, “Safe Kids – You must be 19 years or older to buy, possess, use, or grow cannabis in B.C.” then explains that cannabis is banned in playgrounds and schools, are teachers and children going to control the sale or use of it on those hallowed grounds?
Then it deceitfully states, “There are strict laws in place to protect children, Get the Facts.” One sure fact is that there is no protection to make kids safe by legalizing cannabis.
The second item with its deceptive title “Health,” reads “cannabis affects the brain functions at all ages. It can be especially harmful for people under 25 because their brains are still developing… Get the Facts.” If it is especially harmful for people under 25, why then is the B.C. government making it legal for 19 to 24-year-olds? One has to wonder if anyone in government that supported this legalization has an ounce of brain matter. Do they take Canadians for fools?
The brochure babbles on about keeping your community safe, rules for growing cannabis at home (great environment for the kids), impaired driving and safe travel. The question that I have for voters is why do we keep electing deceptive people that do not give a hoot about the kids or the community? It seems to me that all they care about is making vast sums of money to try to keep outlandish promises made before elections or to fill their pockets.
Garry Rayner
West 91Ѽ