To the editor:
The addicted, once in an overdose, will, hopefully be brought to the hospital or attended by medics and not die, this time, at least. If he has a close call, will he quit the drugs? Not a hope in hell 鈥 he will take the next dose as well. These medical interventions are very expensive and do not help the addict or prevent the next overdose.
So, what should society do to help our fellow man and his chemicals?
Many dollars are spent each year to attempt to slow the drugs entering or being made in our country. We seem to be able to catch the small fish but not the big ones. What can the answer be?
Each addicted person would be required to carry his ID card and could go to a registered pharmacy or liquor store and, only once per day, pick up his required drug which would be pure pharmacy quality and not doctored with chemical dangerous to life. Let the addicted people have this for free especially if they would steal or rob to get their drugs. It has been proven that addicts can function quite well as long as they have the monkey on their back 鈥渉appy鈥.
The money spent on the daily policing of the drugs would easily pay for the clean drugs for the addicted people.
Today, we can say for sure that the medical system has not found a cure or an answer for the addicted people. If an addict decides to go for the overdose then it would be his choice and we could let that person make that choice without interfering.
Just think, it may also help to reduce the crime and killing on our streets.
Jorgen Hansen, 91大黄鸭