A Calgarian father visiting town to watch the Revelstoke Grizzlies face the Merritt Centennials Friday night made his mark on the local gymnastics team by donating his $500 game prize.
The night of Jan. 17 must have roused plenty of excitement for Ryan, full name unknown, who witnessed a 3-0 Grizzlies shutout at the Revelstoke Forum, and claimed a sold-out 50-50 draw prize of $500.
But seeing the Revelstoke Acrobats, the local gymnastics club running the draw, take the other $500, Ryan decided to support them even further, doubling the club's fundraiser profit to $1,000.
"He said that he had two daughters that are involved with various recreational activities in Calgary and has done many of these sorts of fundraisers, so he was happy to give the money to our local club," said Megan Shandro, a parent volunteer with the Revelstoke Acrobats who met Ryan at the game Friday, in an email.
On the phone, Shandro said it's nice seeing visitors from out of town giving back to the community.
Ryan's contribution to the Revelstoke Acrobats will go toward new gymnastics equipment and club operations, helping offset registration costs for future members, according to Karen Jaakkola, another parent volunteer who met Ryan at the game.
Shandro added that Ryan mentioned enjoying his time in Revelstoke.